Friday 30 October 2015

Do good and it follows !

Yes, a street dog taught me some life lessons.

I was eating gulab jamun at a road side vendor and all of a sudden a dog came there looking at me and waiting for my charity. (If I can say charity).

I finished eating and the dog was still waiting (first lesson, don't lose hope). Then I went to a shop and came back with a biscuit packet. Now, I've biscuit packet in one hand, bananas in the other. But the dog was still waiting, not coming over to either of my hands. (Second lesson, don't force people for what u want). 

And finally when I started feeding it, it was waiting every time for me to leave the biscuit in its mouth. I can see that it was hungry but it was taking care of my hand, it was waiting so that it's teeth won't cause any harm (third lesson. Take care of it, it takes care of u, that 'it' can be anything).

And then , that gulab jamun vendor invited me for an extra free plate .

Do good and it follows !

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