Amazing facts which you might never have heard of
- The likelihood of surviving a plane accident is around 95.7%. However, around 16% of accidents are fatal. Of all modern transport-category planes, the one with the worst safety record is the Concorde, yet it only had one fatal accident, this is because of its limited service history.
- Afghanistan's literacy rate is around 29%.

- The sun is one star in 300 sextillion (or 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.)
- Britain's youngest grandfather was 29 at the time of birth.
- The total weight of all the Earth's ants is around the same of all the humans.
- Because ants are so small they can survive a session in a microwave by dodging the rays.
- When you sneeze your heart stops for a millisecond- hence the term bless you.
- At 2000 km long, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth.
- Polar bears can run at 25 kmph and jump around 6 feet high.
- There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body, so they could stretch around the Earth 2.5 times.
- If you were to drill a tunnel straight through the centre of the Earth it would take you precisely 42 minutes and 12 seconds to get to the bottom if you jumped... but you'd be dead before you got there.
- The strongest creature on Earth, gonorrhea bacteria, can pull 100,000 times their body weight.
- If you apply an electric current to a pickle it will react with the salt, causing the pickle to glow.

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